Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Entrepreneurial Idea:
The Do-It-All Cheersneaker is one that girls that tumble are going to want. Inside the sneaker, a chip will be placed to record tumbling passes. To be able to understand where in your steps you went wrong, as well as why your rebounds are off is something that an instructor cannot always tell you. You can then review your passes and improve.

Competitor #1 URL:  http://cheerzone.com/Nfinity_Cheerleading_Shoes.aspx
Competitor #1 Overview:  The Nfinity Evolution Cheer Shoe is supposedly the "best all around cheer shoe." Similar to The Do-It-All Cheersneaker, the Evolution Cheer Shoe is light weight at 6.5 ounces. Made with trademark web and lace design for more uniform fit, this shoe, like mine will feel as though you are tumbling barefoot. I feel that although the two shoes have these important things in common, the Nfinity shoe is lacking the obvious. It does not have any technology to provide the tumbler with feedback of her tumbling passes.

Competitor #2 URL:  http://www.americancheerleader.com/2011/09/2011-cheer-shoe-review/
Competitor #2 Overview: The Nike Sideline 2 is made to last through even the most difficult cheer training. This is different from my sneaker because it was not designed for this kind of training, it was designed merely for tumbling. This sneaker, similar to the Nfinity shoe, also does not have a technology that provides feedback.

I feel that in order for my product to succeed, I need to think about these competitors and what they bring to the table. I think I would like to make sure my shoe is made so that it will be durable. The shoe is not meant for intense training but it is meant for tumbling in during practice over and over. I want to make sure that it will be able to last a long time.
It is popular among cheer sneakers that the shoe be not too thick so it will be easier to perform in. This is a good feature for the shoe.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Entrepreneurial Idea:
The Do-It-All Cheersneaker is one that girls that tumble are going to want. Inside the sneaker, a chip will be placed to record tumbling passes. To be able to understand where in your steps you went wrong, as well as why your rebounds are off is something that an instructor cannot always tell you. You can then review your passes and improve.

The chip that is placed into the heel of the shoe where there will be a port is going to be a memory chip. It will record movement. It ill be a megabyte chip. The memory is considered to be volatile memory because every time the tumbler has reached her fifth tumbling pass, the chip erases and starts from scratch. This i because it cannot hold the amount of data for six passes.

Once the chip is inserted into the device which we will call tMaster, a set of options will pop up. The person can choose to view all the passes from start to finish, or they can pick them out individually. They can be played as many times as the person desires. If he/she wants to keep the information from one pass but get rid of some of the others they can do so. There will be an edit option in the corner where you can select the items you want to be deleted and do so. The purpose of this would be to keep the information from one pass as well as throw more and have all that data still be on one memory chip since it is only capable of holding five.

The tMaster will have a central processing unit it in which will allow the device to carry out the instructions that the person gives it. The control unit will direct and coordinate most of the operations that it is instructed to carry out. These instructions once carried out can be deleted in an options setting. This will allow there to be less space being taken up in the device allowing it to work faster.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Entrepreneurial Idea Overiew:
The Do-It-All Cheersneaker is one that girls that tumble are going to want. Inside the sneaker, a chip will be placed to record tumbling passes. To be able to understand where in your steps you went wrong, as well as why your rebounds are off is something that an instructor cannot always tell you. You can then review your passes and improve.

Excel is a program that I feel is really going to help the sellers. I think as a company it is important to keep track of your sales over time. This way you can learn with those specific numbers how many people were drawn to the sneaker. There should be a column for each year. Showing the months sales going down the rows will be a good way to keep track of how good the company did each month. It will also be able to determine whether the shoe was somewhat of a success. For example as months increase, if the sales also increase then this a good sign. To show this on the spreadsheet, the if-then analysis statement can be used. If the sales decrease then that is a bad sign.
Not only can the sales be kept recorded in excel but also surveys can be given out and those statistics can then be kept in this program. There is a magazine that goes out monthly to cheerleaders who are interested. Also, this is a magazine that is popular in cheer gyms, where tumbling lessons takes place. I feel that it would be a good idea to put a survey in these magazine asking basic questions related to this sneaker. An example of a question that could be asked would be; On a scale of 1-10 how helpful is your tumbling instructor in helping you grow? Questions like these would then be placed in rows and going across these rows we would place the number of people the said yes and no. At the bottom of these, excel can calculate for us the averages of the answers.
I feel that excel is an easy and organized way to provide this type of information. Finding the averages and adding up the sums are not impossible to do manually, but this way we know that there will be no error. If this information wasn't recorded how else would these companies keep track of this important information?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

 The Do-It-All Cheer Sneaker

One of the most needed skills as a cheerleader is tumbling. The tumblers are the girls you see running up and down the sidelines doing multiple flips. There are very few cheerleading teams that will accept a girl if she cannot tumble. It doesn't matter how good she is in all other aspects, she needs to tumble. With practice and the proper instruction, it can be done. But where do you go to get this instruction? It can be difficult taking advice from a tumbling instructor because even though they can watch what you do, they don't know exactly where you're going wrong. This is where the Do-It-All Cheer Sneaker will come in.
The sneaker will be very fitted to the foot; It will almost feel like tumbling barefooted. However there will be enough support in the shoe so that after a while of tumbling, the foot won't feel pressured. Directly under the arch of the shoe there will be a slot in which you can place a digital chip into the sneaker. This technology will review your tumbling similar to how a digital camera can review the pictures that you have taken with it. You are able to throw a total of 5 tumbling passes before the memory in the chip will erase and start over. Once you have finished with the five passes, you take the chip out and place it into a small electronic device the size of an iTouch. The device will go through each pass and tell you exactly what you did wrong, and how you can improve. It will be better to get this feedback from this device rather than the instructor because it will be tracking your steps, as well as your rebounds. 
With the Do-It-All Cheer Sneaker, cheerleaders don't have to get so frustrated when their instructor isn't helping them. Not to say that the instructor isn't important, because he/she is, but the chip is going to provide exactly what the instructor cannot. The only technologies that tumblers have to use now are video cameras. With the video cameras to allow you to see your own tumbling, with the instructors to help guide you to success, and the chip in the sneaker, tumbling will become a little less frustrating and more common in cheerleaders from all around.