Friday, September 14, 2012

Entrepreneurial Idea Overiew:
The Do-It-All Cheersneaker is one that girls that tumble are going to want. Inside the sneaker, a chip will be placed to record tumbling passes. To be able to understand where in your steps you went wrong, as well as why your rebounds are off is something that an instructor cannot always tell you. You can then review your passes and improve.

Excel is a program that I feel is really going to help the sellers. I think as a company it is important to keep track of your sales over time. This way you can learn with those specific numbers how many people were drawn to the sneaker. There should be a column for each year. Showing the months sales going down the rows will be a good way to keep track of how good the company did each month. It will also be able to determine whether the shoe was somewhat of a success. For example as months increase, if the sales also increase then this a good sign. To show this on the spreadsheet, the if-then analysis statement can be used. If the sales decrease then that is a bad sign.
Not only can the sales be kept recorded in excel but also surveys can be given out and those statistics can then be kept in this program. There is a magazine that goes out monthly to cheerleaders who are interested. Also, this is a magazine that is popular in cheer gyms, where tumbling lessons takes place. I feel that it would be a good idea to put a survey in these magazine asking basic questions related to this sneaker. An example of a question that could be asked would be; On a scale of 1-10 how helpful is your tumbling instructor in helping you grow? Questions like these would then be placed in rows and going across these rows we would place the number of people the said yes and no. At the bottom of these, excel can calculate for us the averages of the answers.
I feel that excel is an easy and organized way to provide this type of information. Finding the averages and adding up the sums are not impossible to do manually, but this way we know that there will be no error. If this information wasn't recorded how else would these companies keep track of this important information?

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